Weight lose (part-2)
Weight lose with diet |
With diet :
In this part of my article today we are talking about the kapha weight-loss diet.
I want to remind that we discussed about weight lose in ways according to Ayurveda concept.
I hope you read part-1 of this weight lose series. Then you should know that 3 ways are :
- Aahara (diet)
- Vihara (exercise)
- Aushadha (medication)
So I'm going to give you an ayurvedic food list specifically for the kapha dosha.
So I'm going to kind of go over briefly what the kapha dosha is and then I'll give you examples of the preferred tastes for the kapha dosha and then I'll give you specific foods that are balancing for the kapha dosha.
Because the kapha dosha is made up of earth and water so it carries a lot of heavy, dense kind of like stable static qualities so when you think of someone who is a kapha dosha these people tend to have they're very sweet, they're calm, they're more grounded they usually have a slow time making decisions but stick to it very strictly.
They can be stubborn deal with some lethargy some weight gain and they tend to just kind be softer rounded shaped people the kapha dosha tends to deal with slower digestion and their body shape tends to be a little stockier thicker bones stronger features thicker hair, eyes, nose bridge just like wider features all around and so for the kapha dosha these people because they have so much earth and water already naturally in them that's just who they are.
That's the way they're made up they want to bring in some balancing elements so this comes out in what they eat.
specifically is a great place to start so because they are earth and water they want to bring in air ether and fire they have slow digestion so they need to speed that up with some like extra firet to like get it going so of the ayurvedic six tastes the kapha dosha prefers the bitter,astringent and pungent taste.
The bitter taste has a lot of air in either it's a very light quality it would and it's also a little bit cooling as well so you want to bring in this bitter taste so a lot of like leafy greens are really good for the kapha dosha.
Then you want the astringent taste with it which is air and earth so a more air in the body this is gonna kind of help move everything so your digestion isn't uh slow or sluggish so there's stringent are things like legumes and these kind of give the whole body and digestion a little quote more Airy quality so it kind of helps lift you up creates more air in the body.
Then you have the pungent taste as a preferred kapha dosha balancing taste and the pungent taste is fire and air so this is a lot of like spicy stuff this is like black pepper ginger Curry's really good things for the kapha dosha because it's igniting that extra fire.
it's gonna get things moving a little bit quicker aiding in a quicker suggestion which we want for the kapha dosha especially if you're looking for some weight loss right now as we're not in kapha season, it's winter so kapha season is the end of winter about end of spring you know early spring so we will dealing with a lot of just like we're coming out of hibernation we will moving from cold to warm.
so everything will melt so we'll be dealing with a lot more congestion.
There's mucus buildup there's like some coughs going on cold sometimes fever so these are all symptoms of just like naturally kapha seasons as we go from cold to warm so during this time you can also bring in balancing elements by focusing on the bitter the astringent and pungent taste.
Now always go off how you feel, because you do need a little bit of everything for complete balance but if you were dealing with like you can't get off the couch you're dealing with a cold you have congestion.
your nose is super stuffy have some tea, some warming spices to kind of help clear the channels do some neti pot in your nose to kind of help clear the channels and get your body back to feeling healthy so do a little exercise maybe some yoga or try a new dance class whatever is going around town get yourself out call a friend to kind of help get you back into the community.
Now, specific foods that I can give you to eat and focus on if you are dealing with a kapha dosha in balance.
I'll use some ayurvedic terminologies like pathya and apathya it may confusing or difficult to understand for you. So I want to clear the meanings of pathya and apathya.
Pathya = food which is good for you and you should add it in your diet.
Apathya = food that is not good for you (for particular dosha or particular pathological condition).
Now remember these tastes and these foods are just preferred so if you're dealing with a strong imbalance.
These are the foods you want to focus on however they are bhagavd gita! you can take them to the non-preferred ones in smaller amounts.
However the preferred tastes and foods are going to gain you the best balance for your body type so starting with the grains.
so the grains that are best for the kapha dosha are things like toasted breads because they're really dry, amaranth basmati rice is pretty much tridoshic, corn flour and quinoa which is another tridoshic grain some grains that you want to moderate are things like rye and Millet. |
Ignore sweetness |
kapha dosha really wants to avoid all of these sweeteners because they're very heavy and dense and really only weighs the kapha dosha down even deeper however if you do want to indulge in a little bit of sweetness you can have aged to honey any honey that is about six months or more in stored is going to be a little bit drier and better for the kapha dosha.
3. OILS :
you want to focus On very small amounts again because they are so dense and heavy.
The best oils for the kapha dosha are lighter oils like canola corn safflower and sunflower you want to moderate or avoid as much as possible things like almond ,avocado,coconut, olive and peanut that are all super heavy. too heavy for the kapha dosha.
the kapha dosha really wants to focus on dried fruits they want to focus on those astringent tastes like the apples and pomegranates things like cherries, cranberries and grapes are also okay prunes are okay for the kapha dosha.
Kind of fruit that you want a moderate if you're dealing with a kapha imbalance or things like apricot, lemon, lime, papaya those are a little bit too sour any super dense heavy foods sweets like mangos,papaya again, pineapple those are a little bit too strong and too heavy for the kapha dosha.
So, moderate or limit those as much as possible.
Pathya :apples, apricots, berries, pears, dried fruit, pomegranates, cherries, mangos, peaches, cranberries, raisins.
when talking about the vegetables. The best vegetables for the kapha dosha are all leafy greens leafy greens are green kale spinach Swiss chard cilantro.
We have sprouts, artichokes, asparagus green beans, bell pepper, broccoli ,Brussels, sprouts ,Carrot, cauliflower,corn potatoes ,hot peppers are really good seaweed turnips and mustard greens.
These are all amazing vegetables for the kapha dosha, a couple ones that you want to moderate or limit if you're dealing with an imbalance or things like mushrooms, tomatoes and squash sweet potatoes. Those are a little bit too heavy for the kapha dosha for nuts and seeds. The best seeds and nuts for the kapha dosha are pumpkin and sunflower.
You can moderate sesame seeds but you want to avoid cashews, pistachios, almonds, pecans, walnuts and peanuts. These are all way too heavy for the kapha dosha and will only ground you even deeper legumes.
the best legumes for the kapha dosha are mung, beans, red lentils and soybeans legumes that you want to moderate are things like black beans fava beans kidney beans lima beans and black lentils.
Pathya : artichokes, aubergines, lettuce, broccoli, chicory, peas, fennel, carrots, garlic, cabbage, peppers, mushrooms, radishes, beetroot, celeriac, asparagus, bean sprouts, onions.
Now when talking about dairy I personally suggest going off dairy especially if you're a kapha dosha because dairy is very mucus-forming and it's very heavy so you really want to avoid butter, cheese ,cow's milk ,frozen,yogurt, ice cream, sour cream yogurt those are way too heavy berry mucus-forming for the kapha dosha however if you do indulge you want to focus on the lighter dairy products things like goat cheese unsalted not aged goat's milk cottage cheese moderately are okay for the kapha dosha.
If you follow dairy in your diet though I don't recommend any meat products especially for the kapha dosha just to give you a little bit of info if you were to indulge in a little but a meet if you are in kapha dosha you want to focus on white lighter meats white chicken freshwater fish white turkey eggs are okay pretty much tridoshic.
In their whole sense and if you do indulge in the meat you want to avoid and all the heavy meats like beef buffalo dark chicken dark fish saltwater fish duck lamb pork salmon these are all way too heavy for the kapha dosha.
Pathya : buttermilk, soya milk, goat's milk, sheep's milk
7. SPICE :
moving into spices the best spices for the kapha dosha are a nice basil cardamom cinnamon clove cumin fennel dill fenugreek ginger especially the fresh ginger garlic mustard a rate you know rosemary saffron sage thyme turmeric black pepper black mustard seed nutmeg peppermint bay leaf all great the only spice that you want to moderate for the kapha dosha is salt limit the salt limit that salty taste and lastly the beverages the best beverages for a kapha dosha are green veggie juices wheatgrass juice cranberry pure cranberry unsweetened juice things that you wanna moderate are carbonated water coffee black tea beverages that you want to avoid for the kapha dosha are apple and orange juice those are very very sweet and any soft drinks too much sugar for the kapha dosha and then will ultimately lead to weight gain so focusing on the cup of weight loss diet.
you want to avoid all those sweet juices and sweet soft drinks as well so closing out our cup a weight loss food list and on the automatic food list that I've just given you for any kapha dosha imbalances first you need to figure out what kind of dish of body type you are because this will lead into a world of just kind of knowing your body things that you can do to moderate any imbalances that you're dealing with and just kind of help you get back in tune
with yourself, your mind, your body and your spirit.
kapha body type characteristics kapha dosha imbalances to see if you're dealing with any things like lethargy, cough, respiratory systems if you have any mucus buildup these are kapha dosha imbalance symptoms.
So, check those out and see if you have any and if you are dealing with anything try and focus on this kappa weight loss foodless.
This will help you bring those opposing qualities back into balance kapha's earth and water it's heavy so you want to bring in the bitter the pungent and the astringent taste focus on the air ether and fire and that will kick-start your metabolism your digestion and get that imbalance back in to correct working order. some agni ideal state for the kapha dosha.
So, that is all for the diet and let's meet in next part of the weight lose series. Hope that it will be helpful for you or your family members. So, my valued readers, be ready for the next pat....
nice article
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