Prostate health can become an issue for men in their middle age, but imbalance begins much earlier in life.
The 5-year survival rate for prostate cancer in India is 64%.
Prostate cancer is one among the top ten leading cancer in India.
It usually affects men in the age group of 65+ years.
Reason of prostate problems according to Ayurveda:-
There are many reasons why prostate problems develop.
One is overuse of Shukra Dhatu, or overuse of the sexual organs.
Another is lack of adequate fluids in the body, due to not drinking enough water during the day.
Habitually suppressing the natural urge to urinate also can, over time, cause the urine to become more concentrated and, in turn, irritates the prostate.
If you have to sit for long periods of time without taking a break or stretching, this can create an imbalance in the reproductive area of the body.
Accumulation of Āma and shleshaka kapha in body causes the blockage of mutravahs strotas, is the reason to irritates the prostate.
Ayurvedic Perspective and some solutions of prostate problems:-
By balancing Apana Vayu (the subdosha of Vayu) related to the downward flow of energy such as occurs with urination.
By cleansing the urine and nutrient fluid. (By intake of turmeric like antibacterial substance, to clear the urine).
By cleansing Shleshaka Kapha of shleshma.
And by supporting the strength of the immune system.
1. Drink lots of water throughout the day, in between meals. This will keep the urine from becoming too concentrated.
If you add some herbs to the water (like turmeric etc.),it will flush out toxins, dissolve ama in the blood tissue and help purify the urine.
2. Take less fluids at night if you have a prostate problem.
Because full bladder at night can cause pressure on the prostate and disturb your sleep with the need to get up frequently to urinate.
3. Avoid drinking alcohol, because it creates imbalances in the blood tissue, as do caffeinated drinks.
Both of these create abnormal urine production and irritate the bladder.
4. Make sure that your bowel movements are regular.
Constipation creates an obstruction in Apana Vayu, in turn creating pressure on the prostate, increasing ama in the blood tissues, and creating excessive dryness in the whole area.
5. Daily abhyanga (oil massage), pacifies Apana Vata.
Massage the hands and feet, in particular by medicated oil (contain herbs and oils to balance Vata and restore the male physiology).
6.Eat foods that are tri-doshic, which means that they pacify all three doshas.
Avoid foods that aggravate any of the doshas: food that is too dry, too oily, too greasy, too cold or too hot, too spicy or not spicy enough.
7. Include lots of sweet, juicy fruits in your diet, as this helps nourish the Rasa Dhatu (the nutrient fluid), purify the urine and help maintain a healthy flow of urine.
If you have a Kapha imbalance, you can eat juicy fruits raw.
But should avoid eating raw fruit after sunset, as the digestion is not as strong at that time of day.
Indian Tinospora, Turmeric, and Zinc support balance in the prostate area.
The combination of Guggul and Zinc is a traditional ayurvedic remedy for balancing the size and health of the prostate.
Turmeric and Guggul are both traditionally used to support a healthy inflammatory response.
Shilajit and Barley also help in maintaining the purity of the urine.
Guduchi, Zinc and Turmeric support balance in the genitourinary tract.
shilajit, zinc and balā supports the Shukra Dhatu and maintains testosterone production.
Prostate enlargement can lead to a Urinary Tract Infections so be careful. Thank you