What is chicken pox and causative factor for that
Ayurvedic view of chicken pox (मसूरीका, रोमांतिका)
Causes and pathogenesis of masurika according to Ayurveda
कट्वम्ललवणक्षार विरुद्धाध्यशनाशनैः|दुष्टनिष्पावशाकाद्यैः प्रदुष्टपवनोदकैः ||क्रूरग्रहेक्षणाच्चापि देशे दोषाः समुद्धताः |जनयन्ति शरीरेऽस्मिन्दुष्टरक्तेन सङ्गताः||मसूराकृतिसंस्थानाः पिडकास्ता मसूरिकाः |तासां पूर्वं ज्वरः कण्डूर्गात्रà¤à¤™्गोऽरतिर्à¤्रमः|त्वचि शोथः सवैवर्ण्यो नेत्ररागस्तथैव च ||(M.N)
- Eating spicy, sour and salty foods
- Viruddha aahara (that are not according to nature)
- Excessive intake of beans, peas, lentils, etc.
- Consuming spoiled wind and water
Due to all these causes, the vata gets aggravate and mix with vitiated blood and forms the masurika.Signs and Symptoms of Chickenpox
- Fever
- Tiredness and ill feeling
- Low appetite
- Headache and body pains
- Red rashes which develop into the fluid filled vesicles
- Vesicles burst opens and heal
- Complications like a bacterial infection, pneumonia, dehydration and shock
Ayurvedic management of chicken pox along with some home remedies
1. Neemb (Azadirachta indica)
The herb Neem (Azadirachta indica) has a special mention in management of Laghu masurika (Chicken pox) in Ayurveda. It is highly recommended to use its leaves for fumigation (pest control), bedding, etc for children having the condition.
Boil dry ginger powder, coriander seeds, musta, Tulsi in water and give it for drinking few sips every one hour.
2. Haridra khanda paka
To reduce itching you can give haridra khanda with lukewarm water twice a day.
3. Sudarshana churna & Guduchi
Sudarshana churna, Guduchi will help in managing fever.
4. Topical application of neemb
Take Neem leaves and crush them. Apply the paste to the affected areas. One can also add neem leaves in lukewarm bathwater.
5. Honey
Apply Honey (Shahad) regularly on the affected parts, which helps to heal chickenpox.
6. Soup
Take 100 grams of Carrot (Gaajar) and 60 grams of Coriander (Dhaniya) leaves. Cut into small pieces and boil them in the water for few minutes. Strain and cool the solution and drink the soup once a day for about a month.
7. Ardrak
Take a small piece of Ginger (Adrak), boil it in water. Later strain the solution and drink it.
Pathya Aahara (Food and Regimen For Chickenpox)
Light digestible food with warm water for drinking is recommended.
So During chickenpox, take food that doesn’t hamper the digestive fire or the metabolism.
Eat raw amlaki/amlaki powder, haldi(haridra), pomegranate (dadim), papaya, carrots, bitter gourd, and bottle gourd, sponge gourd.
Eat Daliya, green gram (cook with plenty of water), rice (cook in the open vessel).
Precautions during chicken pox
- The affected area of the skin should be open, as much as possible, and apply the antibacterial , antifungal talcum powder Or powder of the aswatth (ficus religiosa), and vata (banyan tree’s bark), helps to reduce secretions and inflammation.
- Take a bath with the water boiled with neem leaves.
- Avoid taking mid-day sleep (दिवास्वप्न) as well as late-night waking up (रात्री जागरण).
- Avoid taking junk food, oily food, bakery, and dairy products.
- Isolate the child or infected person from the other children and people.
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