Premature graying of hair
Black color of hair is due to melanin protein in the body.
MSH (Melanosite stimulating Hormone) is responsible for it. Means Melanie formation in the body is totally depends upon MSH secretion.
And , it is one of the common reasons of premature graying of hair.
Also read : Baldness typed,natural cure,causes..
Also read : Reasons for hairfall : causes, prevention
Premature graying of hair |
for example in Vata prakruti color of hairs is light, while in Pitta prakruti it is dark, shiny and soft while and in Kapha prakruti it is dark and rough with texture.
In Ayurveda ; condition of Premature Gray Hair is called palitya.
According to Ayurveda ; imbalance of pitta dosha generates overheating in the body is responsible for premature graying of hair.
other reasons are over eating of junk and spicy food, sunlight (UV rays) , over drinking of tea or coffee, air pollution,harmful shampoo smoking, alcohol etc..
in teenage pitta dosh is naturally high. So we should try to balance it..
Excessive Anger, excessive passion, work with night shifts, person to be awake for late night for different reasons like watching movies, reading books, working on computers and some other habits are responsible for imbalance of pitta dosha.
1]. Nasya:-
(Always use any drugs after the prescription of certified medical practitioner.Nasya is also a part of panchkarma so, do not try to practice it at home)
Nasya is done for purification and nourishment of body organ placed in head region.
shaman nasya ; specially done by shad bindu tailam is helpful for balance the dosha in head region.
thus it helps in the treatment of hair loss and premature greying.
Routine use of nasya is important practice to prevent all kind of hair related issues.
2]. Basti :- (medicated enema)
(Always use any drugs after the prescription of certified medical practitioner. basti is also a part of panchkarma so, do not try to practice it at home)
According to Ayurveda Hair is the mala (waste product) of Asthi Dhatu (Bone tissue) and Purish dhara kala (Intestines) is directly linked to Asthi dharakala (Bone).
tikta ksheer Basti :-
Is directly acts on asthi dhatu and helps in premature graying of hair.
(Always use any drugs after the prescription of certified medical practitioner.)
- gandhak rasayanam
- loha sindura
- bhringrajasavam
- Rajtha bhasma capsule
- pravala bhasma
protein; vitamin-B complex & copper rich foods like...
(remember that, vitamins and proteins are not a concept of Ayurveda)
- oats
- pulses
- almond
- aamla fruit (Embelica officinalis)
- green vegetables
- curry leaves.
- carrot
- Watermelons. Etc...
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